April 25, 2023
Good Bye Fall Term!
In the blink of an eye, fall term is behind us! Students wrapped up their Open Innovation projects and showcased their incredible ideas and designs at our Fall Final Exhibition on Friday, November 19. Six keynote presenters and two student emcees led us through an overview of some incredible partnerships and new technology explored throughout this fall term.
Twelfth grade students, Luca R. and Miriam L., and ninth grader Sasha H. created Resonance, a three-part wearable collection which creates an intimate musical experience between audience members and musicians. Each garment in the Resonance collection amplifies both the visual and physical components of a concert.
Twelfth grader Mathew P. created personalized tarot cards, using the twenty two major mystery groups of a mainstream tarot deck. Mathew explored imagery from different cultures and mythologies in an effort to show how the archetypes seen in tarot are part of the universal human experience.
Following the six keynotes, all students exhibited their final designs and prototypes of the term in a school-wide project fair, broadcasted on Zoom for families and friends to see.
To explore the final projects from this term, please follow the links below, and stay tuned for more updates!